Thursday, September 29, 2011

Cable Companies Consider Splitting Channels

As was suggested in class cable companies are considering splitting their channels and billing a la carte.

I think it will be interesting to see the "a la carte" menu. I think some people will be surprised to see the cost of some individual channels. As is mentioned in the article ESPN is one of the most expensive channels. The second and third order of effects of causing this to be billed a la carte may see more people attempting to watch ESPN as a online stream (ESPN3) I know this is not ESPN's intention I'm sure a large profit is being made by them in cable subscriptions.
Also, the article mentions that Discovery and Viacom producers of content may end up getting the short end of the stick in this type of arrangement as well as their channels are often bundled with other channels and may not get the same revenue in an a la carte market.
Interesting times to be in the cable business thinking about how to keep your product viable with streeming services.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Police attempt to improve customer relations with body cam

 This article spells out new application of wearable cameras in use by several police departments.  This is new use of existing camera technology in a new direction to solve a public relations problem.  One of the benefits is the belief that if all of us knew we had a camera on us whenever we dealt with a police officer this would help both sides behave in a "non-escalating" manner. 
This technology emergence comes from an individual thinking across two uses of technology.  The dashboard mounted camera currently in use by police and the application of small web cameras.  Then with the needed hashing technologies they can provide the confidentiality and integrity requirements to use these feeds  in court.  I am also impressed with the price range for the cameras, as I was not expecting this technology to be as inexpensive as it is.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

AMD processor goes to extremes, gets Guinness World Record

AMD recently set the world record for processor speed at 8.429 GHz.  This drive for speed continues to point towards future innovation providing us with continued increase in speeds for processors.  The processor when fielded with computers is expected to be rated at 4.5GHz, but for the test was over clocked and cooled with liquid nitrogen at its top speed.

Advances in processor speed do effect numerous government programs attempting to innovate and run these processors in parallel to solve numerous mathematical and computational problems.  AMD and Intel's innovation and competitive research in processors consistently pays off for the world at large as the competition pushes up speed and improves technology.